New Collection: It All Counts

New Collection: It All Counts

A series of work inspired by the inevitable patterns & predictability of life — the endless repetition of habits, choices and decisions that force us to confront inescapable cycles of growth, discomfort, pain, happiness, love and complacency.

Each piece represents an examination & celebration of time; an endless flow of emotion, value & meaning marking each unique moment comprising the eternal present.

Don’t Count The Days, Make The Days Count.

Preview: It All Counts Collection

Process & Intention

What began as a therapeutic way of managing an intense period of anxiety & heartbreak, quickly became a deeper philosophical investigation into a larger theme: the patterns & behaviors that weave together our human experience. As I sat in my anger & pain, I took to the canvas to escape and process. Initially I was counting things: empty promises, lies, failures, the repeated patterns I allowed myself to be a slave because change felt too uncomfortable & inconvenient. But over time, my acceptance towards the inevitable ebb & flows of life which allowed me to replace my pain with excitement and passion for the unknown of the next moment. For me, this collection is a contemplation and celebration of time— a reflection of the patterns, cycles and energetic shifts we experience endless within a lifetime.

Every piece I produce in this collection is one of a kind, with a soul and energy that I’ve infused through many layers of work. I’ll cover up a finished painting, a poetic response to how many relationships end and chapters of life we must close whether we want to or not. We pour so much time and energy into things we believe in, are proud of and love.

Yet we generally find that over time, the shine wears off, whether it’s a job, a person, a home, a place or just a moment in time. Nothing truly lasts forever and the best healing comes when we make peace with that reality of needing to close a door in order to allow a new one to open.

Most of the pieces contain upwards of 5-6 layers containing visual elements representing larger themes, maybe written word or simply colors that at that moment in time were energetically present. The sequential, seemingly identical, yet profoundly unique marks I tally on each canvas I’ll leave to the observer to draw their own narrative or interpretation.

But, for me they stand as a pretty simple reminder:

Make it all count.

To catch more process & behind the scenes of the evolution of this collection be sure to follow me on Instagram
